Home > YASGUI plugin integration
For how-to integrate Sparnatural with YasQE and YasR, please refer to the Javascript integration documentation.
YASGUI plugins integration
The features of the custom result display plugins are documented in the result display plugins reference page. This page gives the details of how to integrate them in Javascript.
How to use the plugins
First, download the javascript of the plugins from the release section of the sparnatural-yasgui-plugins Github project.
Then follow these steps:
- Load plugins code in your webpage with
tag - Register additionnal plugins with YasR
- For the TableX plugin, delete the default “table” plugin and use TableX instead
- optionally, configure individual plugins to adjust their behavior
- adjust the integration between Sparnatural and the plugins so that the plugins are notified of the configuration and the query (see below)
<script type="text/javascript" src="./sparnatural-yasgui-plugins.js"></script>
delete Yasr.plugins['table'];
delete Yasr.plugins['response'];
const yasr = new Yasr(document.getElementById("yasr"), {
pluginOrder: ["TableX", "Grid", "Stats", "Map"],
defaultPlugin: "TableX",
// disable persistency
persistencyExpire: 0,
maxPersistentResponseSize: 0
if(lang == "fr") {
yasr.plugins["Grid"].config.lang = "fr";
yasr.plugins["Stats"].config.lang = "fr";
} else {
yasr.plugins["Grid"].config.lang = "en";
yasr.plugins["Stats"].config.lang = "en";
yasr.plugins["TableX"].config.uriHrefAdapter = function(uri) {
if(uri.startsWith("http://fr.dbpedia.org/resource/")) {
return "http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/" + uri.substring("http://fr.dbpedia.org/resource/".length);
} else {
return uri;
// binds Sparnatural with the YasR plugins
bindSparnaturalWithYasrPlugins(sparnatural, yasr);
Sparnatural / plugins integration
The plugins need to be notified of the Sparnatural configuration and of the query issued by Sparnatural. See how this is done in the sparnatural-bindings.js
file in Sparnatural releases, in bindSparnaturalWithYasrPlugins(sparnatural, yasr)
These plugins have the following methods:
: expects the Sparnatural query structure, to be notified of the original query structure that was executed.notifyConfig(specProvider)
: expects the Sparnatural configuration, to be aware of the labels and icons of the properties and classes in the config.
TableX plugin
export interface PluginConfig {
openIriInNewWindow: boolean;
tableConfig: DataTables.Settings;
includeControls: boolean;
uriHrefAdapter?: (uri: string) => string;
bindingSetAdapter?: (binding: Parser.Binding) => Parser.Binding;
Adapting the URL of the link
Sometimes the URI of the entities is not directly dereferenceable and clicking on it would lead to a 404 error. For this reason, the TableX plugin can be customized with functions that can pre-process the result before it is being printed. The 2 functions are uriHrefAdapter
and bindingSetAdapter
The uriHrefAdapter
function enables you to change an input URI to another output URL. It is configured like so:
Yasr.plugins.LabelledUriTable.defaults.uriHrefAdapter = function(uri) {
console.log("adapter called on uri "+uri);
// return anything you like that will used instead of the input uri
return uri;
It is called for every URI in the result set, in every column. For example it can be used to modify input DBPedia URI to the corresponding Wikipedia article:
Yasr.plugins.LabelledUriTable.defaults.uriHrefAdapter = function(uri) {
if(uri.startsWith("http://fr.dbpedia.org/resource/")) {
return "http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/" + uri.substring("http://fr.dbpedia.org/resource/".length);
} else {
return uri;
The bindingSetAdapter
function enables you to process an entire binding set, that is an entire line in the result table, including literal values. It is configured like so :
Yasr.plugins.LabelledUriTable.defaults.bindingSetAdapter = function(bindingSet) {
console.log("binding set adapter called on "+bindingSet);
return bindingSet;
For example it can be used to generate a clickable link from a literal value in the binding set:
Yasr.plugins.LabelledUriTable.defaults.bindingSetAdapter = function(bindingSet) {
var newBindingSet = {};
for (var key in bindingSet) {
// if we are on a column starting with "code"...
if(key.startsWith("code")) {
// then insert a new value that is a URI based on the code literal value
newBindingSet[key] = {
type: "uri",
value: "http://fake.uri/"+bindingSet[key].value
// and set the code as the "xxx_label" column so that it is picked up
// as a label to display
newBindingSet[key+"_label"] = bindingSet[key];
} else {
// default, don't change anything
newBindingSet[key] = bindingSet[key];
return newBindingSet;
Grid plugin
interface PluginConfig {
lang: "en" | "fr";
Stats plugin
interface PluginConfig {
lang: "en" | "fr";
Map plugin
interface PluginConfig {
baseLayers: Array<{
urlTemplate: string,
options?: L.TileLayerOptions
polylineOptions: L.PolylineOptions | null,
markerOptions: L.MarkerOptions | null,
geoDataType: Array<string>,
polygonDefaultColor: string,
polygonColors: Array<string>,
searchedPolygon: {
fillColor: string,
weight: number,
opacity: number,
color: string,
dashArray: string,
fillOpacity: number
mapSize: {
setView: {
center: L.LatLngExpression,
zoom?: number,
options?: L.ZoomPanOptions
parsingFunction: (literalValue:string)=> Geometry,
L18n: {
warnFindNoCoordinate: string, // use "<count>" pattern to replace with count of results with no geo coordinates
warnFindNoCoordinateBtn: string // Link label for plugin table display on warnig message