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Integration with GraphDB Lucene Connector


GraphDB provides an integration with Lucene using the GraphDB Lucene Connector. This connector allows to create powerful full-text indexes of text properties in the graph, and write queries that combine both full-text and graph criteria, such as “Give me the list of museums that display an artwork whose title contains word ‘peace’“

Sparnatural can be integrated with such a GraphDB Lucene index both to feed autocomplete fields and also for SPARQL query generation as described below.

Create the index

Refer to the GraphDB Lucene Connector documentation for complete details. Here is the idea:

  1. Determine the URI of the class for which you want to build the index;
  2. List each literal property or path to store in the index;
    • Typically labels, names, titles, definitions, abstract, etc.
    • but also the literal of related entities in the graph, such as the name of the place where an event took place, the name of the author of a work, the labels of subject concepts, etc.
    • Each of these properties or path will go in a separate field in the index;
  3. Create a “catchAll” field named text that will concatenate every other field in a single one;
  4. Set a custom language and Analyzer if you need to have language-related indexing such as accent-folding in French;

Example: create an index on SKOS Concepts in French

Create individual fields

  1. In GraphDB Workbench go to “Setup > Connectors”, and create a new Lucene Connector;
  2. Set its name to ConceptIndex
  3. In field languages enter fr
  4. In the “Types” field enter the full URI to index all SKOS Concepts : http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept
  5. Fill in the “Fields” entry to index skos:prefLabels :
    • Field name = prefLabel
    • Property chain = http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#prefLabel
    • Uncheck the “facet” checkbox

  1. Add a new “Field” entry by clicking on the “+” on the right, this time for skos:altLabels :
    • Field name = altLabel
    • Property chain = http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#altLabel
    • Uncheck the “facet” checkbox
  2. Repeat for skos:hiddenLabel if needed
  3. skos:definition if needed
  4. skos:scopeNote if needed
  5. skos:example if needed

Create catch-all field

Then we need to create a new field text that will aggregate the content of every other fields. To do that declare a new “virtual field” named text/prefLabel to indicate that the content or field prefLabel should be copied in field text (refer to the parts about copy-fields combined with multiple property paths per fields for details):

  1. Create new Field named text/prefLabel
  2. In property path, enter @prefLabel; this must correspond to the name of one of the fields created earlier, so if you chose different names, adjust accordingly;
  3. Uncheck “facet”
  4. Repeat by adding a new Field again, named text/altLabel and property path @altLabel
  5. Repeat with text/hiddenLabel and property path @hiddenLabel
  6. Repeat with text/definition and property path @definition
  7. Repeat with text/scopeNote and property path @scopeNote
  8. Repeat with text/example and property path @example

Here is how this part looks like:

Set language and Analyzer

  • In the Languages field, set the value fr
  • In the Analyzer field enter the value for the Lucene French Analyzer org.apache.lucene.analysis.fr.FrenchAnalyzer. If you don’t do that the search will be accent-sensitive (e.g. a search on “metal” will not match “métal”);

Test a SPARQL query

Test a SPARQL search like the following :

PREFIX : <http://www.ontotext.com/connectors/lucene#>
PREFIX skos: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#>
SELECT DISTINCT ?uri ?label ?snippetField ?snippet WHERE  {
    # replace "ConceptIndex" with the name of the index at the end of this URI
    ?search a <http://www.ontotext.com/connectors/lucene/instance#ConceptIndex> .
    # replace with a string to search. Also try with different fields, e.g. "altLabel:foo" or "text:foo" or with no field at all e.g. "foo"
    ?search :query "prefLabel:foo" .
    ?search :entities ?uri .
    ?uri :snippets _:s .
    _:s :snippetField ?snippetField ;
        :snippetText ?snippet .
    ?uri skos:prefLabel ?prefLabel . FILTER(lang(?prefLabel) = $lang)

Feeding an autocomplete field in Sparnatural with SPARQL using GraphDB Lucene Connector

The principle is the following:

  1. As stated in the Sparnatural configuration documentation for your own queries, the SPARQL query MUST return 2 variables : ?uri and ?label;
  2. Set a custom SPARQL query string to the autocomplete field definition, using special :query operators to query the index;
  3. Add a “*” after the search key to search for the beginning of words;
  4. Query the catch-all field, so text in our case;
  5. Generate a label variable by concatenating the skos:prefLabel predicate of the entity with its snippet from the search results

Here is an example query:

PREFIX : <http://www.ontotext.com/connectors/lucene#>
PREFIX skos: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#>
    # replace "ConceptIndex" with the name of the index at the end of this URI
    ?search a <http://www.ontotext.com/connectors/lucene/instance#ConceptIndex> .
    # Replace 'foo' with a test query, but keep the final "*" character
    ?search :query "text:foo*" .
    ?search :entities ?uri .
    ?uri :snippets _:s .
    _:s :snippetField ?snippetField ;
        :snippetText ?snippet .
    # get the skos:prefLabel predicate of the concept in the proper language
    ?uri skos:prefLabel ?prefLabel . FILTER(lang(?prefLabel) = "fr")
    # generate a "label" to display in autocomplete result, by concatenating skos:prefLabel, line break, and snippet in small font
    BIND(CONCAT(STR(?prefLabel), '<br /><small>', ?snippet ,'</small>') AS ?label)

And here is a query integrated in a JSON-LD configuration of Sparnatural. Note how it uses the placeholders $domain, $range, $property, $key and $lang that gets replaced at query time with actual values:

      "@id" : "http://labs.sparna.fr/sparnatural-demo-graphdb-openarchaeo/onto#type-decouverte",
      "@type" : "ObjectProperty",
      "subPropertyOf" : "sparnatural:AutocompleteProperty",
      "label": [
        {"@value" : "discovery type","@language" : "en"},
        {"@value" : "type de découverte","@language" : "fr"}
      "domain": "http://labs.sparna.fr/sparnatural-demo-graphdb-openarchaeo/onto#Site",
      "range": "http://labs.sparna.fr/sparnatural-demo-graphdb-openarchaeo/onto#Concept",
      "sparqlString": "<http://www.cidoc-crm.org/cidoc-crm/P2_has_type>",
      "datasource": { 
        "queryString": "\
PREFIX : <http://www.ontotext.com/connectors/lucene#>\
PREFIX skos: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#>\
    ?something a $domain .\
    ?something $property ?uri .\
    ?search a <http://www.ontotext.com/connectors/lucene/instance#ConceptIndex> .\
    ?search :query \"text:$key*\" .\
    ?search :entities ?uri .\
    ?uri :snippets _:s .\
    _:s :snippetField ?snippetField ;\
        :snippetText ?snippet .\
    ?uri skos:prefLabel ?prefLabel . FILTER(lang(?prefLabel) = $lang)\
    BIND(CONCAT(STR(?prefLabel), '<br /><small>', ?snippet ,'</small>') AS ?label)\

Integration with SPARQL query generation

You can configure Sparnatural to generate SPARQL queries that will query the full-text index. To do so:

  1. Create a class in Sparnatural configuration with the URI of index, e.g. http://www.ontotext.com/connectors/lucene/instance#ConceptIndex. Create this class as a subClassOf http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Literal, and give it a label like “Full-text Search…”;
  2. Create properties that correspond to the fields in the index. The property URIs must end with the index field name, after the last “#” or last “/”. e.g. http://labs.sparna.fr/sparnatural-demo-graphdb-openarchaeo/onto/search#discovery will query the field discovery
  3. Set the property as subPropertyOf sparnatural:GraphDBSearchProperty; this parameter indicates to Sparnatural that the query to generate must use the GraphDB syntax and not the usual FILTER syntax;
  4. Create multiple properties for each index field, so that the user can choose which field to query.

Here is an example configuration with 2 properties configured to query fields commune and discovery, and a third property named “all fields” / “tous les champs” to query the catch-all field:

      "@id" : "http://www.ontotext.com/connectors/lucene/instance#SiteIndex",
      "@type" : "Class",
      "subClassOf" : "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Literal",
      "label": [
        {"@value" : "Full-text search...","@language" : "en"},
        {"@value" : "Recherche plein-texte...","@language" : "fr"}
      "faIcon":  "fad fa-search"
      "@id" : "http://labs.sparna.fr/sparnatural-demo-graphdb-openarchaeo/onto/search#commune",
      "@type" : "ObjectProperty",
      "subPropertyOf" : "sparnatural:GraphDBSearchProperty",
      "label": [
        {"@value" : "city","@language" : "en"},
        {"@value" : "commune","@language" : "fr"}
      "domain": "http://labs.sparna.fr/sparnatural-demo-graphdb-openarchaeo/onto#Site",
      "range": "http://www.ontotext.com/connectors/lucene/instance#SiteIndex"
      "@id" : "http://labs.sparna.fr/sparnatural-demo-graphdb-openarchaeo/onto/search#discovery",
      "@type" : "ObjectProperty",
      "subPropertyOf" : "sparnatural:GraphDBSearchProperty",
      "label": [
        {"@value" : "discovery","@language" : "en"},
        {"@value" : "type de découverte","@language" : "fr"}
      "domain": "http://labs.sparna.fr/sparnatural-demo-graphdb-openarchaeo/onto#Site",
      "range": "http://www.ontotext.com/connectors/lucene/instance#SiteIndex"
      "@id" : "http://labs.sparna.fr/sparnatural-demo-graphdb-openarchaeo/onto/search#text",
      "@type" : "ObjectProperty",
      "subPropertyOf" : "sparnatural:GraphDBSearchProperty",
      "label": [
        {"@value" : "any field","@language" : "en"},
        {"@value" : "tous les champs","@language" : "fr"}
      "domain": "http://labs.sparna.fr/sparnatural-demo-graphdb-openarchaeo/onto#Site",
      "range": "http://www.ontotext.com/connectors/lucene/instance#SiteIndex"

Which will give the following end-user behavior: