Accueil > Intégrer un service SPARQL

Intégrer un service SPARQL

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As Sparnatural generates SPARQL queries to be executed against a SPARQL service, it seems natural to be able to use this same SPARQL service as a data source for autocomplete and list components.

Have a look at the DBPedia integration demo for an example on how to do this.

Here are more detailled explanations

Provide the necessary callbacks for autocomplete and list

As described in the Configuration reference, you must provide the necessary objects to implement the autocomplete and list widgets. The idea is of course to generate SPARQL calls for this, and parse the results as JSON.

// ...  
autocomplete : {
  url: function(domain, property, range, key) {
    // this is defined below
    return sparqlAutocompleteUrl(domain, property, range, key);
  listLocation: function(domain, property, range, data) {
    // the list of results in SPARQL result format is under results.bindings
    return data.results.bindings;
  elementLabel: function(element) {
    // "rangeLabel" is the variable name in the SPARQL query for autocomplete
    return element.rangeLabel.value;
  elementUri: function(element) {
    // "range" is the variable name in the SPARQL query for autocomplete
    return element.range.value;
  enableMatch: function(domain, property, range) {
    // we don't care about this
    return false;
list : {
  url: function(domain, property, range) {
    // this is defined below
    return sparqlListUrl(domain, property, range);
  listLocation: function(domain, property, range, data) {
    // the list of results in SPARQL result format is under results.bindings
    return data.results.bindings;
  elementLabel: function(element) {
    // "rangeLabel" is the variable name in the SPARQL query for list
    return element.rangeLabel.value;
  elementUri: function(element) {
    // "range" is the variable name in the SPARQL query for list
    return element.range.value;

Build the SPARQL queries

Now you need to write the functions sparqlListUrl and sparqlAutocompleteUrl to generate a SPARQL URL call :

sparqlListUrl = function(domain, property, range) {
  // The SPARQL query service URL
  var QUERY_SERVICE = ""
  // build our listing query
  var sparql = "SELECT DISTINCT ?range ?rangeLabel WHERE {\n  ?domain a <"+domain+"> . ?domain <"+property+"> ?range . ?range a <"+range+"> \n . ?range rdfs:label ?rangeLabel FILTER(lang(?rangeLabel) = \"fr\") } ORDER BY ?rangeLabel";

  // construct the final SPARQL URL, requesting for JSON results
  var url = QUERY_SERVICE+"?query="+encodeURIComponent(sparql)+"&format=json";
  return url;

sparqlAutocompleteUrl = function(domain, property, range, key) {
  // The SPARQL query service URL
  var QUERY_SERVICE = ""
  // build the search query
  var sparql = "SELECT DISTINCT ?range ?rangeLabel WHERE {\n  ?domain a <"+domain+"> . ?domain <"+property+"> ?range . ?range a <"+range+"> \n . ?range rdfs:label ?rangeLabel FILTER(lang(?rangeLabel) = \"fr\") FILTER(bif:contains(?rangeLabel, \""+key+"\")) } ORDER BY ?rangeLabel";

  // construct the final SPARQL URL, requesting for JSON results
  var url = QUERY_SERVICE+"?query="+encodeURIComponent(sparql)+"&format=json";
  return url;