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SHACL-based configuration

Sparnatural can be configured using a SHACL specification of the entities and properties to be displayed in the UI.

Sparnatural SHACL configuration profile

The formal specification of the subset of SHACL to use, in combination with a few properties from other ontologies, is defined in the Sparnatural SHACL configuration profile, available as an HTML documentation, an online spreadsheet, or a technical SHACL file.

Reference of the Sparnatural SHACL configuration profile


Prefix Namespaces
config-core http://data.sparna.fr/ontologies/sparnatural-config-core#
dash http://datashapes.org/dash#
ds http://data.sparna.fr/ontologies/sparnatural-config-datasources#
sh http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl#
volipi http://data.sparna.fr/ontologies/volipi#

NodeShapes configuration reference

Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
type rdf:type sh:NodeShape
Class. Value must always be sh:NodeShape.
label rdfs:label rdf:langString or xsd:string
The label of the entity to be displayed in Sparnatural. Labels are multilingual, and can provide multiple labels in different languages. Lhe label in the current user language is displayed; If no label is given, the local part of the URI is used.
order sh:order xsd:decimal
The order of this entity in the entity selection dropdown.
tooltip 1 volipi:message rdf:langString or xsd:string
The preferred tooltip that will be displayed when this entity is hovered. This can contain HTML markup. Tooltips are also multilingual, you can provide one tooltip per language, and the tooltip in the current user language is used.
tooltip 2 sh:description rdf:langString or xsd:string
A tooltip that will be displayed when this entity is hovered, if no preferred tooltip is provided. This can contain HTML markup.
fontawesome icon code volipi:iconName xsd:string
The fontawesome icon code that will be displayed by Sparnatural, e.g. "fa-solid fa-user"
icon url volipi:icon IRI
A reference to an icon URL that will be displayed on Sparnatural. Use of this is discouraged, prefer volipi:iconName
target class sh:targetClass Target class
The actual URI of the class that this shape corresponds to, that will be inserted in the SPARQL queries. NodeShapes can either have sh:targetClass or they can be rdf:type rdfs:Class, in which case the URI of the NodeShape is assumed to be the URI of the class itself.
node kind sh:nodeKind IRI
If used on a NodeShape with value sh:Literal, then Sparnatural will treat this shape as a Literal and will not generate an rdf:type triple in the SPARQL query.
datatype sh:datatype IRI
If used on a NodeShape, then Sparnatural will treat this shape as a Literal and will not generate an rdf:type triple in the SPARQL query.
language in sh:languageIn BlankNode
If used on a NodeShape, then Sparnatural will treat this shape as a Literal and will not generate an rdf:type triple in the SPARQL query.
unique lang sh:uniqueLang xsd:boolean
If used on a NodeShape, then Sparnatural will treat this shape as a Literal and will not generate an rdf:type triple in the SPARQL query.
deactivated sh:deactivated xsd:boolean
If marked with sh:deactivated, a shape will be filtered out from the initial list of classes
or sh:or BlankNode
subclass of rdfs:subClassOf Target class
If the NodeShape is also a Class, it can have a subClassOf reference to the class(es) from which it will inherit the properties

PropertyShapes configuration reference

Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
entity / shape ^sh:property Sparnatural entity
The entity from the configuration to which the property is attached. Note that this is expressed as an inverse property on the PropertyShapes, for ease of use when defining SHACL configurations in Excel tables.
property sh:path BlankNodeOrIRI
The property IRI, or the SHACL property path that this property shape is constraining.
order sh:order xsd:decimal
The order of this property in the property selection drpdown.
name sh:name rdf:langString or xsd:string
The name of the property to be displayed. Labels are multilingual, and can provide multiple labels in different languages. Lhe label in the current user language is displayed; If no label is given, the local part of the URI is used.
tooltip 1 volipi:message rdf:langString or xsd:string
The preferred tooltip that will be displayed when this entity is hovered. This can contain HTML markup. Tooltips are also multilingual, you can provide one tooltip per language, and the tooltip in the current user language is used.
tooltip 2 sh:description rdf:langString or xsd:string
A tooltip that will be displayed when this entity is hovered, if no preferred tooltip is provided. This can contain HTML markup.
tooltip 3 sh:path/skos:definition rdf:langString or xsd:string
The definition of the property, that can be used as tooltip, if no tooltips are provided on the shape
tooltip 4 sh:path/rdfs:comment rdf:langString or xsd:string
A comment on the property, that can be used as tooltip, if no tooltips are provided on the shape, and there is no definition on the property
search widget dash:searchWidget IRI

(config-core:SearchProperty, config-core:ListProperty, config-core:AutocompleteProperty, config-core:BooleanProperty, config-core:MapProperty, config-core:StringEqualsProperty, config-core:TimeProperty-Date, config-core:TimeProperty-Year, config-core:TimeProperty-Period, config-core:TreeProperty, config-core:NumberProperty)

An explicit search widget to use for this property. If no explicit search widget is specified, a default one is determined based on the sh:datatype and other characteristics of the property shape.
role of the property (default label property) dash:propertyRole dash:LabelRole
If used with the value dash:LabelRole, indicate that this property shape describes the main label of the entities to which it is attached. This is used to fetch this property automatically in generated SPARQL queries, and to populate automatically dropdowns and autocomplete search with this property.
class (of the property value) sh:class IRI
Defines the entity in the configuration that is the value of this property. References the URI of a class that is itself referred to by an sh:targetClass from a NodeShape.
node shape (of the property value) sh:node IRI
Defines the entity in the configuration that is the value of this property. References a NodeShape that describes the target entity of the property. If no sh:class or sh:node is found, then a default behavior is proposed
deactivated sh:deactivated xsd:boolean
In case a property shape is marked as deactivated, it will not be shown in the interface
datasource (for lists and autocomplete) config-datasources:datasource BlankNodeOrIRI
The datasource to populate the widget of the property. If not provided, a default datasource is used.
sh:in sh:in BlankNode
If sh:in is used on the property shape, its default widget will be a dropdown and the list content will be read from the configuration instead of being read from a SPARQL query
datasource (for tree childrens) config-datasources:treeChildrenDatasource BlankNodeOrIRI
The datasource to populate the children node of a node in a tree widget
datasource (for tree roots) config-datasources:treeRootsDatasource BlankNodeOrIRI
The datasource to populate the root nodes of a tree widget
or sh:or BlankNodeOrIRI
Indicates alternatives for either multiple datatypes (e.g. xsd:string or xsd:dateTime), or multiple sh:class/sh:node, or different node kinds (e.g. IRI or Literal). The expected values are nodes with either an sh:datatype or an sh:class or an sh:node or an sh:nodeKind. 2 levels of sh:or are supported to deal with properties that can be either IRI or literals, and then indicate the sh:class(es) of the IRI shape, and the sh:datatype(s) of the literal shape. The actual list value of sh:or can be either a blank node or an IRI. Example : property with 2 datatypes : ([sh:datatype xsd:string][sh:datatype xsd:dateTime]), Example : property either IRI or literal ([sh:nodeKind sh:IRI; sh:class ex:class1][sh:nodeKind sh:Literal sh:or([sh:datatype xsd:string][sh:datatype xsd:date])])

Classes configuration reference

rdfs:subClassOf is read on classes to inherit properties of superclasses, as well as labels and definitions for UI display.

Property name URI Expected value Card. Description
subClassOf rdfs:subClassOf Target class
Indicates the superclass or superclasses of this class, from which this node shape inherits. When a class is selected in Sparnatural, the properties of its superclasses will be proposed.
is target of ^sh:targetClass Sparnatural entity
A target class may be referenced by a NodeShape through sh:targetClass, or it can be itself a sh:NodeShape. The properties of the NodeShape are inherited by the subclasses.
definition skos:definition rdf:langString or xsd:string
The definition of the class, that can be used as a tooltip
comment rdfs:comment rdf:langString or xsd:string
A comment on the class, that can be used as a tolltip
label rdfs:label rdf:langString or xsd:string
The label of the class, to be used if no rdfs:label is found on the node shape